jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

a bit sad

It is normal to every single human being to feel a bit sad sometimes, now, that i had an accident i tend to it more than ever, and i just want the people to understand that i get tired of being strong sometimes and that i need to cry my heart out, what i don´t like is when people around me just seems not to get it, ok, I´m happy because Im progressing and healing quick as the doctors say, but i just don´t feel good enough to go out like everyone, not even to dinner, so why people don´t respect that? you are gonna go out whenever you are ready, also i feel a bit unconfortable out in the streets, so i just need a little time and patience, and please, don´t call me crazy; am I crazy for crying once in a while after i was so close to be killed? Im trying so hard to recover my strenght and I think it is working, but there are times when i loose hope, so i just need to be alone for a moment. Im positive, but just the idea of being here for such a time makes me sad, it is nothing permanent i know, there is people in a worse situation than me, I´m lucky to even be alive, i understand all of this but if i feel sad just let me be! it is gonna be just for a while, and the next day I´ll be back to be the way I normally am

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